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Tool Script?


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Hi Everybody,

I am learning hscript, & trying to learn from Houdini creation scripts.

But i am not being able to find the script for Tools at OBJ level, such as Path and Bones and such other tools.

Can anybody tell me, where i can find the script .

If it is not a creation script, then what is it?

Can i create my own tool and display it in that menu.

Plz explain in detail.

Thanking in advance.

...... iamjaideep80

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Have you tried the commandecho command if you turn it on and then create a path object it should tell you what's going on. If no scripts are echoed then no scripts are getting called and it must be an internal houdini thing.

Control RMB on a node will give you the options to add a toolbar macro and edit toolbars.

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Have you tried the commandecho command if you turn it on and then create a path object it should tell you what's going on. If no scripts are echoed then no scripts are getting called and it must be an internal houdini thing.

Control RMB on a node will give you the options to add a toolbar macro and edit toolbars.


Hi sibarrick..

Thank you very much, for ur Replay.

i used commandecho option and got the creation script for path, & how it is accesing it.

I knew the Macro option, but I think you can add one or bunch of operators in macro. I don't know how to add ur own script to macro. Any way I will try to figue it out. If anybody knows plz tell me.

Sibbarrick, Thanks again.

............. Iamjaideep80

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,

I found the answer for my question, and I am posting it here, so that newbies can get a little help.

For adding your own Hscript to a node, you have to edit OPmenu file,

found at $HFS/houdini/ and add link to ur script.

These topics by arctor can be helpful.



These script command are added to right click menu on any operator.

There are still some doubts in my mind, about how to add the Script command to only right click menu (where macro commands are added). And why macro commands are not visible in viewr pane.

If you know the answers plz share.


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