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Another Mocap Thread...


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Hi All,

We've been scratching our heads for quite some time now regarding importing biovision files into houdini. I've tried using mcbiovision and all it's different options to create the bones hierachy and bclip motion, however, it's giving me mixed results. Scaling of bones completely off the chart, bones hierarchy jumbled, some bones attached wrongly, usualy the clavicle / spine bones.

The motion (bclip) comes in ok, but has issues. Placing a transform behind it, and exporting that seems to fix this...I got no clue why... just something I read on this forum. I know bvh file format lists their axis in YXZ (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Courses/cs-838-1999/Jeff/BVH.html) maybe that has something to do with it.

Ok, so I guess in a clinch we could massage the bones heirarchy and bclip motion to fit somehow (it sucks tho coz we need to reskin the character and blending over to another motion clip would be a battle in itself... ) Once the character is setup, and the motion applied, how do I regain some sort of manual override control of it all? All my rotations in IK (or FK or whatever I export with the mcbiovision) are overridden by chops...

gawd why is it sooooooooooooooo difficult and cryptic.......... :|


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Oh, forgot to mention that I just had a look at handles sop/chop, very cool, I can imagine building a stand alone rig and have the goals look at the mocap data nulls... but again, I'm unable to edit by hand, the rotation channels are overriden and I can't seem to find a way to work around this..

Any feedback appreciated...


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Oh, forgot to mention that I just had a look at handles sop/chop, very cool, I can imagine building a stand alone rig and have the goals look at the mocap data nulls... but again, I'm unable to edit by hand, the rotation channels are overriden and I can't seem to find a way to work around this..

Any feedback appreciated...



Once you have the solve you could export all the chop channels to real ones and then edit those. It would be a pain though because I don't think there is a scripted way to do this, you can only do it by hand. AFAIK.

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Got some help on #odforce, aracid gave me a suggestion using blend sop, and a few rigs. I have set something up, it ain't pretty but kinda works. Horrible to work with under a deadline tho. Was wondering if someone could have a look at it and give me a suggestion on how to constrain the control rig (green color) to the mocap rig, but still allow for key editing. I've attached a bunch of padded bvh files too (all public domain / our own).

It's a kludge... i know... :blush:

Any feedback appreciated,



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Ok, so I guess in a clinch we could massage the bones heirarchy and bclip motion to fit somehow (it sucks tho coz we need to reskin the character and blending over to another motion clip would be a battle in itself... ) Once the character is setup, and the motion applied, how do I regain some sort of manual override control of it all? All my rotations in IK (or FK or whatever I export with the mcbiovision) are overridden by chops...


Given the same skeleton hierarchy, one should be able to do a dummy capture and then use AttribTransfer to copy over all the weighting information without doing manual reskinning.

As for manual override, you could edit the CHOP data by hand. Alternatively, you can convert the CHOP data into regular keyframes. It takes some scripting though. If you have rotation data, you can take each CHOP channel and set a key (say onto a brand new channel) at every frame using the chopf() expression and chkey commands. If you have translation data driving bones, then you can use the vrorigin() expression on the bones to obtain their rotations and set keys using that.

As for converting CHOPs to keyframes, you can also save it out as a .chn file and munge that to the .chn file format that the chwrite command outputs. Then you can use chread to read that back in.

Just some ideas off the top of my head.

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