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Passing Commands To Hscript On Start Up


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Here's my dilemma, I want to start hscript from the textport of an open houdini session.

after opening hscript I want to execute the openport command

something like:

unix "hscript myfile.hip"

unix "openport 77000"

The only problem with this is the unix command will spawn two separate processes.

I tried the following:

unix "hscript myfile.hip; openport 77000"

but his doesn't work either, rather than executing openport in hscript it's trying to execute it in

the shell.

I also tried:

unix "hscript myfile.hip\; openport 77000"


unix "hscript myfile.hip < openport 77000"

without success, anybody have any ideas?

many thanks


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Here's my dilemma, I want to start hscript from the textport of an open houdini session.

after opening hscript I want to execute the openport command


As an alternative to Edward's suggestion, you could wrap the hscript launching in a simple Python script that you call instead (ie 'unix "launchHscriptAndOpenPort myFile.hip 77000"') where launchHscriptAndOpenPort would look something like (I haven't tested this, so there may be typos):

import os
import sys
file  = sys.argv[ 1 ]
port  = sys.argv[ 2 ]
houdini = os.popen( "hscript "+file, "w" )
houdini.write( "openport "+port )

I'm also not sure if this only works on Linux or not (I seem to remember os.wait() is not a Windows-happy function). Wow, ok, so maybe this isn't the most versatile suggestion after all ;)

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As an alternative to Edward's suggestion, you could wrap the hscript launching in a simple Python script that you call instead (ie 'unix "launchHscriptAndOpenPort myFile.hip 77000"') where launchHscriptAndOpenPort would look something like (I haven't tested this, so there may be typos):


thanks Rob,

I actually ended up using popen2 to open hscript with the optional .cmd as Ed suggested.

And then I used openport to send commands to the hscript session.

Your method looks better though. I should just be able to send commands straight to

hscript and bypass the whole openport buisness completely.



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