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Fuse not working? [solved]

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Hello : )

I have a particle simulation with particles that die fairly quickly. I used a time blend then trail sop to replicate the particles. The problem is that the particles start to overlap once they start dying, as seen in the photo. This causes a problem later on in the pipeline for me. So I use a fuse sop to try to consolidate all the points occupying the same position into one particle. For some reason, I cannot get the fuse sop to work on these points. Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Does fuse not work if the points are not connected?

thanks in advance.



Edited by ejr32123
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Well, I eventually figured out how to solve this problem fairly easily. Use add sop >>>> polygons >>>>> by group >>>> Add >>> by attribute > id.  Then I use the fuse node. Next just add delete sop and delete everything but select keep points : )

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