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creating a surface volume slice from path

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Hey Forum!

I have a path that runs from one point to another point in a surface volume.  This is a volume that I have converted into polygons.

Pictured here as the black line:


How might I create a geometry that takes the top surface above the line, the bottom surface below the line, and generate some 'side wall' geometry? In other words, I'd like to create a volume 'slice' with some width that is driven by a path.

For context, I am planning on using this geometry to scatter onto and merge with some other points to generate a nicely concentrated voronoi fracture. I have uploaded a minimal .hip file.

Thanks :)




Edited by sdlovecraft
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I managed to figure this out myself - partially.

I used an attribute transfer on the path to create the top surface geometry. To my suprise, if you just pass in the top surface scatter into your voronoi (and nothing else) - it will do some magic to create fractures all the way through to the bottom of your volume.  This eliminated the need for me to figure out a way to get the 'bottom surface' or 'side surface' geometry that i was after.


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