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Finding nearest for multiple points - avoiding duplicates - VEX


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I'm trying to find a couple of nearest points, the problem is I want to avoid duplicates - so let's say point no.1  finds their nearest points (lets say no. 17, and no. 39) I don't want them to be included into nearest search anymore.
To be honest I can't tell what am I doing wrong ( I suspect some stupid error or groups not updating until code is finished). No matter what I do - I still have points included in my search.

Here is my piece of code - that I use in "Detail Wrangle". Then it's used inside a for loop (node based) to control number of iterations (it simulates growth). Scene file also included.

Any clues on that?

int branches = 2;
int seeds[] = expandpointgroup(0,"seed");

foreach( int seed; seeds)
    setpointgroup(0,"seed", seed, 0); //remove point from seeds
    setpointgroup(0,"used", seed, 1); //mark point as used                   
    vector pos = pointattrib(0,"P",seed,1); //get seed position
    int nearpts[] = nearpoints(0,"!used !seed",pos,2,branches); //search within not used points,
								//this should prevent finding duplicates 
    foreach (int nearpt; nearpts)
        addprim(0,"polyline",seed,nearpt); //draw a line
        setpointgroup(0,"seed", nearpt, 1);//make new point as a seed


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I'll reply to my own topic so that the solution stays. I'm not really sure if groups were not updating and nearpoints() failed to give proper results, but filtering results on my own managed to solve the problem:
New code, that works looks like this

int branches = chi("branches");
float radius = chf("radius");

int seeds[] = expandpointgroup(0,"seed");
int taken[]= {};

foreach(int s_ptnum; seeds)

    vector s_P = point(0,"P",s_ptnum);
    int nearpts[] = nearpoints(0,"!used !seed",s_P,radius,branches);

    setpointgroup(0,"seed", s_ptnum, 0);
    setpointgroup(0,"used", s_ptnum, 1);   

    int dests[] = {};
    int index = -1;
    foreach (int n_pt; nearpts)
        index = find(taken,n_pt);
        if (index<0)
            setpointgroup(0,"seed", n_pt, 1);


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1 hour ago, groblus said:


    int nearpts[] = nearpoints(0,"!used !seed",s_P,radius,branches);


so for this line

your group is saying: !used !seed

which means: "all points that are not used OR all points that are not seed"

so in other words it will include all points that are not seed whether used or not and also all points that are not used whether seed or not, so the only not included points will be the ones that are used but also seed


so what you probably wanted is 

!used ^seed

which would be: all not used points except for seed points

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