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Hi all.
I am new to houdini.
If any one has the time I would really appreacheate some help duplicating the RGB Mask part of this video.
I need to figure out a way to do trilinier displacement on the object level not on the shader level.

if any one has any sugestions as to where I can look or can point me in the right direction i would be very greatfull.

Thank you for the help.


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I think this will get me what I need.
Might any one be up for helping me convert this to VEX?

// UDN blend
// Triplanar uvs
float2 uvX = i.worldPos.zy; // x facing plane
float2 uvY = i.worldPos.xz; // y facing plane
float2 uvZ = i.worldPos.xy; // z facing plane
// Tangent space normal maps
half3 tnormalX = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvX));
half3 tnormalY = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvY));
half3 tnormalZ = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvZ));
// Swizzle world normals into tangent space and apply UDN blend.
// These should get normalized, but it's very a minor visual
// difference to skip it until after the blend.
tnormalX = half3(tnormalX.xy + i.worldNormal.zy, i.worldNormal.x);
tnormalY = half3(tnormalY.xy + i.worldNormal.xz, i.worldNormal.y);
tnormalZ = half3(tnormalZ.xy + i.worldNormal.xy, i.worldNormal.z);
// Swizzle tangent normals to match world orientation and triblend
half3 worldNormal = normalize(
    tnormalX.zyx * blend.x +
    tnormalY.xzy * blend.y +
    tnormalZ.xyz * blend.z
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