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Postrender Script

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What Hscript command should I use to execute mcp tool to convert sequence images to a movie after rendering finishes...?

Is it possible, that on Windows I can only output avi and hmv files is there any way to create Quicktime? or mayby I should have Quicktime Pro installed...?



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Try using the 'unix' command in hscript, look it up in the help. In this case you could use somthing like 'unix mcp' in the post-render box, and it will automatically run mcp. I'm assuming to get this to use the output file from your rop

you could use somthing like

unix mcp -f 1 300 inputfile$F.tga -o outfile.hmv

Just replace infile with the same expression used for your fileout in the rop. I have not tried it out. But I think this is along the lines for what your looking for.

Alternativly you could write a script to read in the expression used, and the frame range, and automate most of the process. I'll give it a try in the morning, and post what I come up with.

As for outputting to quicktime, I have no idea, never tried.

Best of luck


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