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help with scripting


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Hi guys,

i would like to make a simple script that add/creat a hbatch *.cmd file with this inside :

mread $JOB/render/$HIPNAME.hip
Redshift_setGPU -s 11
Redshift_setLogLevel -L 5
render /out/Redshift_ROP1

Then it would automatize my process.

Thank you for your help.


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Hi, do you want to use python to create the .cmd file? If it is so, than this might work for you:

import os

path_hip     = hou.expandString('$HIP')
path_scripts = path_hip + '/scripts/'

if not os.path.exists(path_scripts):

script   = 'some text'
path_cmd = path_scripts + 'filename.cmd'
file_cmd = open( path_cmd, "w")

I use similar script, but I am no python guru unfortunately, so there may be a better way to do it.

Edited by ikoon
EDIT: btw I am on Windows 10
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Thank you Ikoon!!

the main is there. Do you know how to :

- get a "retur to the next line" for my script variable?

- translate a $JOB to its value when writing in the file (again for script variable)

Thank you for your valuable help!


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as regards evaluating the $JOB as a string, this should work


For multiline string in python, you can see few methods here (scroll down to answers)

I use \n and multiple += when I am building the script, for me it is most readable:

        variable    = 'some_filename.hip'
        script_rop  = '# commented first line\n'
        script_rop += 'hou.hipFile.load("' + variable + '")\n'
        script_rop += '# another line\n'
        script_rop += '# last line, without backslash n'


Edited by ikoon
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