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Multiply Group Selection

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Another simple question..;)

Is there any trick to select number of groups at one time from popUP menu located in each SOP?

The way I do it now is to select a group and when I want to select the other I have to reopen the window. It's pretty time consuming, don't you think? :)



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Hi, do you meant in the viewport window or in the Group field of each sop in the parameter pane?

Typically, if I can do some sort of "procedural" group selection, I believe you can do something like: myGroup`opdigits(".")` or myGroup`stamp("../thatSop", "myId", 0)` in your group field. But of course, that'd be more of a brute-force approach at solving a problem. I'd probably deal with attributes first before resorting to that approach.

As for other ways of selecting, I am not sure... I haven't quite think about it much... typically if I have a long lists of groups, I just manually type the group name in if I can help it... Otherwise, my eyes tend to jump from looking at the list...

ANyways, I probably misunderstood/confused you further.... :unsure:


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ANyways, I probably misunderstood/confused you further.... 


Not at all, I've just realized that it's probably not possible to select this way...

I thought about manually selecting from the group field of each sop - and to use for example ctrl key to add group to the existing selection... Now as far as I know you can only select the one group at a time and the window closes, if you want to select more, you have to press + sign every time - which is not very intuituve and rather time consuming. Typing all of the names by hand is pretty tedious...

But another idea came to my mind. Is it possible to sort all of the existing groups in the alphabetical order and load them in that order into the group field? When I use * sign the order seems to be random....


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