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Double Quotes In Hscript

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Hello all,

I've been having a reoccuring problem with hscript when it comes to double quotes. I am trying to do a simple operation where I copy a string field to another field, be it string, vector, or float.

Here is an example:

String Field: param = $TX+ch("../add1/pt0x")

I try to do:

set VALUE = `chsraw("./param")`

opparm . new_param ( $VALUE )

and I get this in the new field:


I loose the double quotes.

I've tried everything I can think of to preserve the double quotes, but no luck. Is there an answer I am not seeing?


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After the backticks get expanded using the expression parser, the double quotes are there. However, this result is then expanded using the hscript parser, thus loosing the quotes. In your particular example, I'm assuming that you actually have backticks in the opparm line. The simplest way to preserve the doube-quotes is to escape chsraw()'s result before assigning to VALUE. However, you have to be careful to not pass it again through the hscript parser or else they will be lost again. One way to do the escaping is something like this: `strreplace(chsraw("./param"), "\"", "\\\"")`

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Thanks so much edward. I ended up not doing exactly what you suggested, but what you wrote help me out big time. Here is what I acually had to do...

set Q = "\"" ## Had to make a variable that was a quote. :)

set VALUE = `strreplace(chsraw("./"+$script_parm),"$Q","KFIRGLLA")` ## Changed all double quotes to some wakey name. Using "\"" instead of "$Q" did not work.

Then I could do all the hscript I wanted to do with no issues.

chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -A 0 -F `strreplace($XVAL,"KFIRGLLA","\"")` `$script_parm`vx ## Then I was able to push this into a channel by nesting the strreplace inside the chkey and change the wakey string back to a quote. If I tried set TEMP = `strreplace($XVAL,"KFIRGLLA","\"")` , then uset $TEMP in the chkey, it didn't work.

Sounds CRAZY... but it acually works.

Thanks again edward for the help.

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