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inject single particle to flip on event


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is there some way to add a defined number of particles to a flip fluid?

a have a pop which generates some particles if this particles meet some criteria i want to add them to a flip 

a popsource will add them over and over again i need them just one time.

lets say i have 100 pop particles with a random attribute Q (1..100) if the frame number is the same as Q i want them to be added to the flip


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I took a shot at this, threw up a scene to show you what I found to work.

What I have done is,

1. Put the particles I want in flip into a group "particles"

2. Delete the particles the next solve step.


3. Import the pop particles in a sopnet delete everything but the "particles"

4. Use that sopnet for importing to flip.


Hope that helps



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thank you exactly what i was looking for!

where i am stuck now is i cant do it exactly like you and would need to put the points from an existing group to a new one to be deleted

i have put this for testing in the popgroup vex 

setpointgroup(0, "XY", @ptnum, 1);
setpointattrib(0, "X", @ptnum, inpointgroup(0, "XY", @ptnum));

in the geosheet X is 0 on all points how can that be when i just put them in 1 line prior!

that they are in group XY is shown correctly in the geosheet



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I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you can create groups like that in the POP group node, should work in popwrangle with the input 0 set to myself.

This works in the setup I created, just added another POP group node with this inside.


Edited by AslakKS
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thank you!

the group creation works just fine like this in a popgroup but it was just ment as a test 

what i was missing is how to check if the particle is or isnt in the group

was trying to use  inpointgroup(0, "groupname", @ptnum) which by the documentation should work but does not or i missing something

@group_groupname does the trick

@group_groupname <> inpointgroup(0, "groupname", @ptnum) should by equivalent but one works the other not 

just starting so missing a lot of things


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