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Hi! :)

Sorry if this is a basic question, I am very new to HDK and Houdini itself, I am starting to get the taste of it but I have some questions:

I want to create a custom SOP with a "built-in" switcher, here is my code:


//I tried to copy from the euclid/SOP_Euclid example, I have this func in my header(this should ask houdini if the checkbox is ticked):

bool SWITCH(fpreal t) { return (bool)evalInt(0, 0, t); }


//Here I set up the Toggle param

static PRM_Name names[] = {

static PRM_Default  elevationDefault(500.0);

PRM_Template MySOP::myTemplateList[] = {
	PRM_Template(PRM_STRING,    1, &PRMgroupName, 0, &SOP_Node::pointGroupMenu,	0, 0, SOP_Node::getGroupSelectButton(GA_GROUP_POINT)),
	PRM_Template(PRM_TOGGLE,	1, &names[1]),


OP_ERROR MySOP::cookMySop(OP_Context& context)
	OP_AutoLockInputs inputs(this);
	if (inputs.lock(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT)
		return error();
	fpreal t = context.getTime();

	bool switcher = SWITCH(t);
	//Do something with my object...
	//Then here i want to make the switcher, my first idea was to make a PRM_TOGGLE param, and using it as a bool(like in the Euclid e.g), 
	//so for example if it's ticked, I want to move my object, if it isn't, I want to make it bigger (I know its a bad e.g: but I hope you get it)
		//move my object
		//make it bigger



It compiles, but crashes Houdini with a seg. fault and I don't know what is the problem :(

Also, let me know if there is a better way of making a switcher :)


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