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Bake parameters into render or flipbook?

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Sometimes I would like to just try out quick renders and make the design decisions laters.

Is it possible to bake certain parameters you are trying out into your render, so you can see what you did differently back then, when you did that render?




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Thanks, @markingleukc,

I saw this render setting also, which made me hopeful for also being able display a comment in a render.


But I don't know how to use it. When I place it on the camera it doesn't work. Does it belong somewhere else? Or does the comment exist in some hidden image-metadata and is not supposed to be on top of the C plane or a separate image channel?




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I see. :) I've noticed tho that the comment doesn't pop up when I render with the Render View and click 'Save Render' right from there, but it does work when I choose 'Render to Disk'. 

Does anyone know if there's a way to also save the exr comment with the snapshots saved from the Render View? As I would love to also be able to see the comment/settings on small render regions made with shift+click&drag.


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