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How to export uv texture as an image file?

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Dear Houdini community friends, I am trying to export the uv texture of an object (image 1) as an image file (image 2). 

Image 1 (the object):

Image 2 (what I want):

The object was created in Houdini, so perhaps the geometry type (polygon / mesh) is not the type that could be easily baked using Maps Baker for example. I followed several tutorials but nothing gets exported. There are more than 100 thousands of such object that I will be doing it in TOPs if possible. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks for the help!


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Seriously though, to bake point colors onto a UV texture, set a string parameter to your geometry and put these lines into a COP snippet.

vector pos_tex = set(X, Y, 0.0);
vector geo_clr = uvsample(geo, 'Cd', 'uv', pos_tex);
assign(R, G, B, geo_clr);



Edited by konstantin magnus
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