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switch takes and render


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Hello. Im trying to run inside houdini a python script to switch takes and render after every take. It works but it only render the last take:


takes_list = hou.takes.takes()
for take in takes_list:
    if "Main" in take.name():
        print("setting to take: {}".format(take))
        rnode = hou.node("/out/Redshift_ROP_CHAR")

what`s the problem here? thank you.

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Hi Osmeldu,
unfortunately I cant help you with the script, but have you considered using the Wedge ROP? Wedge Method, By Take. Is it sufficient for your actual needs? 

Otherwise, if you really need it to be scripted, then maybe you have to use hdefereval.executeDeferred()?

I have only blurred knowledge about the executeDeferred(), and I would also be thankful if anyone could shed some light on that method.

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12 hours ago, ikoon said:

Hi Osmeldu,
unfortunately I cant help you with the script, but have you considered using the Wedge ROP? Wedge Method, By Take. Is it sufficient for your actual needs? 

Otherwise, if you really need it to be scripted, then maybe you have to use hdefereval.executeDeferred()?

I have only blurred knowledge about the executeDeferred(), and I would also be thankful if anyone could shed some light on that method.

Hello. Thank you for taking a minute to help me.


Im gonna check the wedge rop and hddereval.


Thank you.

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