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HELP!, import an animated alembic from c4d to houdini

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Hi!, this is my firts time using houdini, so i try to make something easy i think, i have a project whit a translucent jar animated on cinema 4d, i made it to import the alembic to houdini and i need to fill it whit soft bodies, some gummys and i saw that vellum can make it great, i find a tutorial to doit, but at this point i need to understand a workflow to start, im putting the link of the tut and the alembic, im thanking you in advance for the atention, and sorry for my english i know its awfull

this is the tut:

this is my alembic



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Create an Alembic SOP inside a geo node. Like /obj/geo/alembic1

Point it to your Alembic file you exported via C4D, that should do the job.


Alternatively, you can use the Alembic Archive node in /obj level and import the geometry into your geo node using an Object Merge. 

In both cases, your geometry might be packed, so attach an unpack node below your import if you need to do any operations on the polygons or prepare it for collisions with Vellum.

I hope this helps.

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