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Can't fix Polywire SOP twisting


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Hey folks,

I'm having trouble with the Polywire SOP .

Here's a brief summary of what I'm trying to achieve.

Basically it's a square polygo n that rotates on several axis. I'm using these rotations to generate trails over time and then I apply a polywire to it, plain and simple.



Here come what's bothering me. On each polygon "wire" I need to grab two edge loops to get seams for proper UV unfolding.

As soon as I select only one edge loop, here's the type of selection I get :



Using the Joint Up Vector doesn't help much, it does introduce even more twisting (tried the 3 axes)



Plus there's an obvious problem at the junction between the start of the sim and the end (frame 0 and 720, when the square polygon has made a complete revolution around its axis).

My question is, is it possible to have control over the way the polywire twists polygons from one end to another ? Maybe I'm missing something with point normals/tangents before applying the polywire.


Thanks to you all in advance for your answers

All the best 


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Have you tried using the new Sweep SOP in H18? Don't plug anything into the second input and just choose an option from the drop down (which is set to Second Input) by default. It will also build UV's for you :) 

Edited by Rence
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Just to keep you updated,

It did work just fine, thanks to the "twist" parameter of the sweep node.

Though I had to use groups to add a sweep to each "wire", because I had to control each wire's own twist value (using a global one for all didnt work everywhere)

Thanks again

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