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Hi All,

I have recently started working with Houdini Flip and while trying to achieve air bubble inside Flip simulation in a pouring liquid, I am failing quite miserably. I have used Air Incompressibility but unable to achieve the air bubbles while pouring the liquid something similar to https://www.facebook.com/particleskull/videos/1987853528104282? [www.facebook.com]

Apart from that, I have a few questions and I am very hopeful that I will receive my answers here.

When I reduce particle separation (high particle count) my collision fails and in order to fix it, I reduce grid size and increase iterations too. So my question is how should I proceed, What should I tweak first grid size or iterations so that I achieve a better collision?

In the attached scene file I intentionally used low particle count in order to view and block out my sim but less particle count often cause my collision to fail, Is there any other way to achieve it so that I can save processing time with high particle count?

My vessel (object) does have some thickness to it but sometimes collision fails, don't understand how can I control it and what if I needed a thin geometry in my shot, How can I make collisions to work with thin geo?

Is there any correlation between the particle count or particle radius? e.g If I increase particle count then should I decrease particle radius considering the water-like liquid.

How can I get rid of a few particles which got stuck with the surface of the vessel though the rest of the simulation works perfectly fine?


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