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direction reflection noise

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I cant figure out how to render this shot without lots of noise. I am getting ridiculously harsh noise from my hdri reflection off my objects. I turned on image planes to confirm the noise is happening in direct reflect. things I tried:
1. reflection quality-little to no difference
2. sampling quality on light-little to no difference
3. pixel samples- I cranked it all the way up to 10 and it looked better, but was still noisy and took way too long to render
4. noise level-little to no difference

So what else can I try? The only thing I found that was viable was turning on sample lock so I dont need super high pixel samples, maybe I can add the noise back in post?

Thanks in advance.


Edited by ejr32123
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  • 2 weeks later...

Very common problem, we tested thouroughly on this forum maybe 2yrs ago, sorry I couldn't find it - 
The result was that it's impossible to get rid of the noise as long as the bdrf in the shading core is set to GGX. Switching that to phong takes care of it ( but ofc you may end up with one of phong's ancient artifacts, in extreme cases ). SideFX really needs to fix that.


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