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Two Input Cop .vfl


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hrm. It looks like it cannot be done.

hm, I guess it's been a while since I worote a COP.

Every time I compile, regardless of what I put, I get a generator COP.

How does one make a two input compositing COP with .vfl?

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Hi Ivan,

hmm... I just tried it and it seems to work ok -- though I also don't compile COPs very often, so maybe I'm missing something. Here's what I tried:

A 2-input filter, saved as TestCopFilter.vfl, and compiled with "vcc -l TestCopFilter.otl TestCopFilter.vfl":

#pragma opname TestCopFilter
#pragma oplabel TestCopFilter
#pragma opmininputs 2
#pragma opmaxinputs 2
cop2 TestCopFilter () {
	R = R;
	G = G;
	B = B;

And a max-2-input "generator", saved as TestCopGen.vfl, and compiled with "vcc -l TestCopGen.otl TestCopGen.vfl":

#pragma opname TestCopGen
#pragma oplabel TestCopGen
#pragma opmininputs 0
#pragma opmaxinputs 2
cop2 TestCopGen () {
	R = G = 1;

It would seem that the only distinguishing aspect of a generator is that its "opminimputs" must be 0 (and the restrictions to what you can do inside that follow from that) -- but I'm just speculating. Anyhoo... seems to work over here.

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