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Cross Product not returning perpendicular axis


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Hey all,

I was working on a tool to instance branches along a curve when I ran into a slight issue with cross products. I'm trying to find the perpendicular axis between the tangent along a curve and a side vector so I could pitch a branch up or downwards but the vector returned by the cross function seems to pointing a weird way.

If anyone would be so kind as to take a look at this, I'd greatly appreciate it!


Thank you.


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Hi Irvin,
in the attached picture ... by typing only @tan you cast the vector into the float. You read only @tan[0].  And then you store that float into the vector tan.

If you want to read custom vector attribute, you have to type v@tan




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vector normal = @N;
vector tan = @tan;

Instead of using @tan, you should use v@tan. Houdini only recognizes default attributes correctly. So if you use @tan, it is interpreted as one single float for all three axis. Ah.... juse a few minutes too late :)

Edited by haggi
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