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Radial Groom brushes used on Geo OBJ pop you out of SOPs


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Hey guys,

I'm basically using the guideGroom sop inside of a regular Geometry object. But if i use the radial menus or shelf to switch to screen brush or plant guides it pops me out of SOPs and now im at OBJ level and puts me into select mode.

It works just fine if i use a Guide OBJ but I want to do this inside a regular Geometry OBJ.

What would i need to add to the shelf scripts to do this?

I took a look at the furtoolutils


def startGrooming(kwargs, tool=None):
    active_pane = toolutils.activePane(kwargs)

    if isinstance(active_pane, hou.SceneViewer):
        groomobject = getGroomObject(
            'Select an object to groom and press Enter to complete.',

Not sure how to edit this so that it will accept regualr OBJ nodes. 


The workflow i currently use is with the guide groom node active, hit select, grab a couple curves, then radial menu what brush i want.... but if this is done in an OBJ node, it pops me out wanting me to select a groom object. Im trying to not use a Guide Groom node, because its quite heavy there is an extra subnet full of unnecessary calculations. 



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