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FBX Character import brings in overlapping UV's with Mixamo

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If I import a model from Mixamo using the classic fbx importer (File > import > FBX) I get four geo's in the subnet


Each has its own nicely laid out UV's.

However when I import using the FBXcharacter import for kinefx everything comes in as a single UV map with overlapping UV's and the face is a mess (since thats where the overlaps are). 



A lot of forums in the blender world talk about changing the blend modes from Alpha to Opaque or Alpha Hashed.

I have found a temporary solution and that is to blast !@name=newVegas:Elvis_BodyGeo but off course then I don't get eyes. 

I am using redshift and the matextractor HDA to pull out all my materials. Is there a way to change blend modes from Alpha to Alpha Hashed in Houdini Redshift and what steps should I look at otherwise? 


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Under the redshift textures in the individual materials for each element. Tick use opacity texture and change the opacity calculation to 'from Alpha'

When using Mantra again go the the material and go to textures and 'use texture alpha'

Mixamo's look great now. 

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