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Karma's Vex Intersect Procedural bucket artifact

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Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone started playing with Karma's new procedurals. Namely the vex_intersect procedural.

in houdini 19 there is a new folder in samples in $HFS/toolkit/samples/karma_procedurals/

In that folder are some examples of some vex code to use for the vex_intersect procedural. There is a sphere and a mandelbulb example. I've tried both and although it actually renders I get quite aggressive and serious artefacts.

It seems its never the same buckets having the issue. I tried the other procedurals like the vex_curve and it works without render issues.

I've played with all possible render settings and can't get a clean render. Setting the pixel samples way higher like at 2K gets a better result but it still looks very very wrong. Nows its just very very slow for a sphere.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what to do to get a clean render ? This is all off the shelf code from SideFX not my own yet. I wanted to start and play with this but if I can't get the official code to work properly no chance I can get my own :)

FYI Here is what the sphere vex code looks like with the vex_intersect procedural :


And the mandelbulb vex code is even worse :


however the curves look clean



Edited by superdjo
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Ok so weird thing the problem kinda solved itself a la Microsoft ? Trying again this morning after a few tries opening and closing houdini and it suddenly worked out of the box... no artefacting. It seems to be Russian roulette when you open up Houdini. I closed Houdini and reopened it again to confirm and it started artefacting again. So I have to keep opening and closing houdini until it renders correctly and then work with that session. I guess this might get more stable with other builds of Houdini 19 down the line

FYI might be for another topic but anyway now there are other issues like the intersection between the mandelbulb and some volume isn't quite looking right. But the procedural kinda looks cool with a principal shader on it.


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