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Proper Orientation For Copying Something On A Pop System.


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I am still trying to build this flocking system. I have figured out a way to read the speed of the particles and use that to drive the speed of the *.bgeo seq playback. I will post something about that on the other post that reads: "Reading The Velocity Of The Particles."


Now I have the next problem. The orientation of the copied geometry gets twisted. Some of the clones turn upside down when they change direction. I am not able lock their orientation.

Here is the hip file:


Here is a sample movie:


The red dot (cone) represents the top side of the clone. Notice how it gets lost on some of the clones. Some of the clones just gets up-side down at some position.

How can I lock the clones to a UP vector... and make them orient along the direction of the actual particle.


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Hey! Thanks. I have seen this page before. It was too complicated for me then. I will try going through it again... But before that... I would like to ask: I am using the COPY sop... I am not using INSTANCE... do you think it is the same case. Because I have some POINT sops... I have some VECTOR UP sops... but it does not seem to work.

Is instancing and copying the same process in terms of orientation? I know they are not the same in terms of memory and rendering.


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...I have been reading and trying for the entire Sunday... And no result... I just can not make the object to keep their proper orientation...


I have tried everything... Point SOPs to fix N and V for the geometry used as the particle source... Vector UP POPs in the POP network... but no result!

Can anybody help me about this...


And the odWiki about instancing, it is ok... most of it too complicated for me... but I already tried creating these Normals and Velocities... and the UP vectors... But it does not work!!!


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Check this out. No more flipping and such. I think it's like what you were wanting.

Took out the point sop before the pop network, added an upvector pop set to Z axis and a velocity pop with 0 on Z to keep them from going into or off the wall. Also, removed Z rotation of 90 from the transform and I ended up moving the scale and 180 y rotation from the transform sop to the copy sop because I felt like it. Also works correctly when instancing the cone geo to the points.


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Thanks! You saved my life!!! But what I was doing wrong?! After making this post... I have struggled to fix it for two days! I have tried everything... Puting POINT sops after the geometry that was a source for the POP generator... just to fix the Normals and build an inherited velocity in the correct direction... I also tried POINT sops after the POP NET... trying to set UP VECTORS etc... I even tried the ROTATE POP... also tried everything (UP VECT., VELOCITY etc) in the POP net. I even went through the whole POP chapter of the "Magic Of Houdini" book...

I do not know?! Something was not right...

Now I can sleep this night... Thanks!

Edited by Symbolic
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