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Change color attribute based on particle collision?

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Hey there,

I have a simple setup where I generate a bunch of particles and let them drop on some spheres. I would like to achieve to change the Color of the Spheres based on hit by a particle. With hitprim I was abled to change the color of primitives of the spheres but I would like to check based on the selected primitiv to select the whole Object. Also I would like once changed from Black to Red to keep the color even after the particle passed through and left the object. And on top of that, if possible to add some delay. So once the particle hit the object it takes like 10-15 Frames till the spheres changes color best with fading to that color (but not sure if that is possible)..


Has anyone an idea how to achieve that or is there a different way. I tried with attribute Transfer but couldn't get it to work. I uploaded my current setup: 


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