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Reload Geometry


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I try to run a python script on the Post render script on a File Cache node to make shure the node data gets updated when passing to the text node( I'm having this problem when doing a chain of fetchs in a rop ) ..

I add this on the script box  ... execfile("$JOB/scripts/reload.py") ...   and  check Python lenguaje , and the script has this  :

import hou

iis not working, what I'm doing wrong?

Edited by jmquintela
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I had a similar issue recently and this was how I got it working.  It probably is way more than needed, but it works like a charm.

You have to put the below on a default python module on the node you want to work with.  Then load the reload.py as another python module.  This code links the two. 

import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("foo", "path/to/your/script.py")
GE = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

def callback():

Then the callback is 

in your case, you would use hou.node('path/to/your/node').phm().callback()

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently I didn't test it enough, I just set a few node and a simple rop... but when I try a fetch chain with batch between them it didn't work.... also How can I print something to console form the reload.py file so I can debug if the script is running properly..?? 

I attach all files in a zip ..  remember too the reset the $JOB path..


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