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A possible solution for Houdini and Houdini Engine Version consistency issue : Compiling Houdini engine yourself


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Since Houdini and Houdini Engine plug-in versions need to be consistent, frequent updates are a headache, resulting in a bunch of versions of Houdini installed on the computer. . .

Compiling the plugin yourself coudl be a solution, process below:

Compilation step

  1. Get HoudiniEngine source code

Find the version branch source code you need, clone and download it


Create a new empty C++ game project

Create a new Plugins folder in the project directory and put the HoudiniEngine source code in it

Select the project file XXX.uproject right click, Generate Viusal Studio Project Files

Regenerate the Visual Studio project (because new code is added, the project needs to be refreshed)


Set Houdini version number (very critical)

Modify the Houdini Version in Source/HoudiniEngine/HoudiniEngine.Build.cs to correspond to the locally installed Houdini version

At the same time, modify the VersionName in HoudiniEngine.uplugin to ensure the same version display in the UE plug-in panel to avoid confusion




Compile the project

Open the Visual Studio project file and set the game project as the startup project

Select Debug Editor or Development Editor mode to compile

Then start building and compiling to generate binary files





Start the project, whether it is running normally

Check if the plugin panel starts Houdini Engine

Find an hda file, drag it to the scene, and test if it works


Temporary workers become regulars

The previous compilation process is compiled as a game project plug-in

If the compilation is successful, you can copy it to the Engine/Plugins/Runtime directory in the engine directory

However, it is best to clean up the xxx.obj and xxx.pch files in HoudiniEngine/Intermediate/Build, because the amount of data is large. . .



A source code, simply set a version number, can be compiled into multiple different versions of Houdini Engine

Of course, the main reason is that the compiler automatically searches for the relevant header files and static libraries in the local Houdini installation directory through the version number during the compilation process.

The version number is used to define the path that the compiler searches for



VS compile log

Therefore, if you don't find an official official compiled version that suits your needs, you can try to compile it yourself, or modify the source code.

Stepping on the pit of the past

  • At first, I looked at the official documents and said that it was compiled with UE source code. In fact, the distribution engine is also possible. . .

  • The time and hard disk capacity required to compile UE source code is really a bottomless pit. . .

  • (Jupiter) And the plug-in compiled from UE source code is installed to the release version, indicating that the version is inconsistent and incompatible. . .

  • Therefore, it is best to use which version of the engine (release or compiled version) to use to compile the plugin. . .

  • tmp4.png.adb995efe875f859335998bcd2732f17.png



Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts





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