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Rock Absorbs Water FX


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Hi all, first time posting

Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve an effect of water being absorbed by a rock/surface. 

this is the reference I was given: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ri-7xaZfjk&ab_channel=ThisIsHappening

My first idea was doing a simple FLIP sim of a drop falling to get something to work with, then creating 5 pts as goals/absorption pts, and then interpolating the flip pts by the position of those goal pts by nearpoint. The main idea is just to create (maybe) a mask that defines how strong those pts pull the liquid and then eventually make the liquid disappear. I did a previous test using "suction force" but I don't think is what I'm after. I'm not sure either if it's better to achieve it during sim time or post-sim?? 

Any ideas? Thank you :) 



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Thank you so much Benyee for taking the time to reply and for the hip file. Really appreciate that!!! I completely forgot that I could remove points by collision. I think I went down a much more complicated path than I should have haha. This is what I ended up doing for this one.

I created a mask based on position and added some noise so we can have some nice patches and then transfer to the moving pts by id. Then, on a wrangle what I did is find the nearpoint from the collision obj and interpolate position using that noisy mask I created before, sure we still get the particles on the collision surface so I´m deleting those by distance.  Adding some screenshots just to be more visual

I am not the best at solving problems or writing code, sooo any comments are welcome. :D 

Thxs again





Edited by dasqub20
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