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Edit Simulation from Marvelous Designer


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Hi all!

I have a clothing simulation in an alembic by marvelous designer
There are places in the simulation where the fabric is twitching or behaving strangely
Are there tools that can change the alembic? Sculpture animation, for example...

Guys help, I can't figure it out myself!
Tell me what tools you can use!


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  • 1 year later...

Hii, dont know if you already find the solution for this, i think you need to simulate it inside houdini and then try to fix it post sim, another solution is to use shotsculpt node / standart sculpt node to fix the twitching/intersection between body collision and cloth, the shotsculpt node is hidden by default tho, try to go to textport and type

opunhide Sop shotsculpt
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