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input $RFSTART $FEND or $xxx into global variables without $ evaluation

Ekaterina Sky

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Hi, I am learning python script, and try to control global variables by python. Basially I want to input a string'$RFSTART' or '$FSTART', instead of evaluated frame number.  It seems to work if I directly type '$RFSTART' into Variables window. 

Is that possible to type '$xxx' from a shelf tool ? (please see first photo)


My idea is probably not working because I guess global variables are not designed to store '$' itself.  On the other hands, Houdini's standard 'render flipbook' show $RFSTART $RFEND as default and still memorize user's custom input values too. I wonder how this sytem works..


Ultimately, I want to create a custom flipbook setting window. (please see second photo). My understanding is the scripted window cannot memorize input values. Therfore, when I change their values, close the window and open it again, all uniques values are gone.  Thus, I am considering to store those values into global variables.  Storing values could be intgers, strings, $HIP, $XXX, and so on. If we have better ideas, let me know!

Thank you!!  





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