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Scale up Heightfield Erode


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Rather simple question here,

But is there a way to adjust the scaling of the Heightfield Erode, the scaling is always the same with the erosion and looks just too small in many cases.

In this case for example I have a lot of tiny dots but would like to have more of bigger holes, couldn´t find a way




One obvious way would be just too scale down the Heigtfield itself but is there another way?

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  • 6 months later...

See this asked a bit. I think a decent solution is to branch off and down res your Heightfield and then erode. 

You can down res by using a hf resample node, then run an erosion. This should get you large shapes and has the added advantage of running fairly fast as there are less voxels. You can either freeze frame on the erode node or stash the low res option. You can think of this as a broad shaping layer.

Use a heightfield layer set to blend, plug your high res into the first input and the low res shaping layer into the right input. Set the mode to blend and use the layer scale to blend in your shaping layer. Now run another erode on your high res and it will give you finer details in the broad valleys from the low res. 


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