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A Lots Of Maya Keyframe Animation To Houdini ??

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After simulation in maya, I baked them.

If objects are not so many, I could use chan export...

But, there are lots of object in my scene over +10,000

Is there any way integrate all keyframe data to houdini ?

I searched the thread about this.. but I don't have clue.

Any information is okay.

Thanks in advance.

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If you don't need the keyframe data itself, I would suggest to merge them together (if Maya merges that at all, might need to do it in chunks), and export .obj snapshots per frame. That would make it a lot less painful.

The other thing, if MEL .chan export speed is the issue, you could export to the mov format that is implemented as an API command in Maya, so it's a lot faster than chandump for example. The mov and the chan formats are the same (tab separated values), so just need to rename it after exporting.



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Try that?


I read thread about collada in this forum.

I've downloaded colladaMaya and export as collada '*.dae' file. so far so good.

I need just transform and texture coordinate.

And.. Is there any specified collad loader? I couldn't find it.

I put the 'File SOP' and load *.dae file then show up following error message.

Warning: The DOM was unable to create an attribute opaque = A_ONE at line 198
Probably a schema violation.

Warning: The DOM was unable to create an attribute opaque = A_ONE at line 10417
Probably a schema violation.

you could export to the mov format that is implemented as an API command in Maya, so it's a lot faster than chandump for example. The mov and the chan formats are the same (tab separated values), so just need to rename it after exporting.

If you don't mind...could you tell me simple example?

I don't know about API command. and I don't get it how to attach every animation data to the same object. sorry~

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The collada importer is in the main File menu Import option.

Oh~ I can see now.

But animation is not working.. I'll keep trying.



When I using 'import' from menu, I saw same error message...

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If you don't mind...could you tell me simple example?

I don't know about API command. and I don't get it how to attach every animation data to the same object. sorry~

I was just referring to the API for the speed comparison, you don't need to code for this.

Ok..so the export part could be (I'm just writing these out of my head, so there might need to be a bit inventive in some places):

1, Select all the object

2, Go to File>export selection.

3, Select the channels you want to export in the channel box (I suppose translate, rotate)

4, Export

In Houdini:

Put down a FileCHOP, then read in the renamed .mov file. You should have loads of channels imported. Now in the SOP context copy your objects and use some copy stamping technique+chop fetching/expression to apply the animation data. If you need help with this part, it would be good to have a simpler demo scene, just to be able to be more specific.

Hope this helps.



I wonder if you could use the Collada importer in Houdini to read you scene?

Yep, could try that as well, althought I'm not a big fan of the Collada thing as it creates a snapshot of the Maya scene instead of publishing components and keeping the whole scenario procedural. This makes iterations quite messy and time consuming. It's good for certain things and glad SESI is implementing it.

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Now in the SOP context copy your objects and use some copy stamping technique+chop fetching/expression to apply the animation data.

As you said, now I'm focus on fetching expression. but it's not easy to me... :)

Any kind of tip could be great.

Thanks again Andras.


Current version of Houdini is NOT support texture properties...

Check Here.


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