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Stamp Cop


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Does anyone recall there being a stamp cop, way back when? I think it was in the old compositor. Is there a replacement for it, or anyone know of a way to reproduce the effect?

The only thing I can think of would be birthing particles based on an image and then using sprites or something and doing a render.

All I need is to copy a solid circle to each point in an image where the brightness goes over a threshold.

Using the defocus cop kinda works but I want per point control over the radius based on a couple of mask channels.

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The defocus COP has "Per Pixel Defocus" which should control the radius based on the mask. You can use a Limit COP to remove any pixels below a certain value threshold. You will probably want to either make the source pixels floating point with rather large values, or adjust the boost parameters in the Defocus COP so the circles aren't dim. A contrast COP / limit COP afterwards should be able to make your circles solid and in the 0-1 range.

The only other COP do so something like stamp is convolve, which is fairly slow and won't get you the variable radius.

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