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Lake House seems too hard !


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Hi everyone! 

 I'm a begginer trying to follow the Lake House Tutorial by Anastasia Opara. And when I mean begginer, I really mean it, I have been using Houdini for about 14 days, also I have no prior experience with coding (i`m a 2d artist).  My decision to take that course was becouse thatis exactly the type of work I want to do *procedural house, environment.

And the reason that im writing topic is that i've been trying to digest the first 13 min of the first epsode and it took me 25 hours of my work time, I'm getting there but it's seems like there should be more efficient ways to get there faster. So I would humbly like to ask the more experienced voices what type of approach should I take, and I'm curious if that is a really begginer course, I feel like I'm in a deep cold blue ocean. 

I will be eternaly grateful for any kind of advice, 

Thank you for your attention,

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