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Adjust the scale of a transform (9flt) attribute


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I have a basic curve KineFx Rig and I´m copying spheres onto the curve.

The problem is that I can´t randomize the uniform scale of each sphere because the transform of the rig curve controls the scale of the spheres, so simply adjusting the pscale doesn´t work.

So how do i uniformly randomize the scale of the 3x3 tansform attribute? I tried something with a pointvop but the spehers are not being scaled uniformly.

HIP file is attached.




Edited by kube
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Hey Kube, 

you can make your attribute and then scale the sphere by it. That way, Houdini's naming system won't get in the way. Here are the changes I made to your hip file:


1. Attribrandomize2 SOP - I changed the name to myTransform and changed the dimensions to 1, since you said you wanted to scale the sphere uniformly. You can keep it a vector if you want the spheres to be squished.

2. get_attribute Null - This is where the next node will point to

3. transform SOP - put the pivot in the center of the object with the centroid function. Use the "myTransform" attribute to scale the object with this point("../get_attribute", 0, "myTransform", 0)


I hope this helps because I don't know how to randomize the scale of the 3x3 transform attribute


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14 hours ago, RobiDoes3d said:

Hey Kube, 

you can make your attribute and then scale the sphere by it. That way, Houdini's naming system won't get in the way. Here are the changes I made to your hip file:


1. Attribrandomize2 SOP - I changed the name to myTransform and changed the dimensions to 1, since you said you wanted to scale the sphere uniformly. You can keep it a vector if you want the spheres to be squished.

2. get_attribute Null - This is where the next node will point to

3. transform SOP - put the pivot in the center of the object with the centroid function. Use the "myTransform" attribute to scale the object with this point("../get_attribute", 0, "myTransform", 0)


I hope this helps because I don't know how to randomize the scale of the 3x3 transform attribute

TRANSFORM_ADJUST_SCALE_fix.hipnc 787.27 kB · 0 downloads

Hey Robi, 

that really does the trick, thanks man!!

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