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Uv Problems After Grouping And Merging!

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I am trying texture an object based on different groups and different "UV Projections"... Everything works ok untill I use the "Merge SOP" to pull everthing together. It seems like the untextured parts of the different parts that come together are overlaping with the textured parts... basically the UV maps go on top of each other.

Here is the case!

(1) The Groups.

This is the right side group:


This is the left side group:


(2) The Projections based on the groups (Vertices).

The right projection:


The left projection:


(3) The Network:


(4) The UVs after the merge:


(5) The results:



I can use the "Delete" sop to cross delete the geometries and bring them together in the merge SOP... But I cannot trust this delete procedure when the geometry is too complex, since I might end up deleting more geometry than needed and end up with holes at the final merge.

So is there a way of fixing this UV overlap problem. Thanks.

Here is the Houdini file:


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But in my case... the object is very complex. I am reading in main parts with object merge and then use the advantage of them being separated to build groups easier... if they are all together it is very hard to establish the groups and apply different projections to different groups...


The only problem is that there are the untextured UVs in the origin of each UV map for every part... and this is causing the problem... There must be a way of deleting this un assigned UVs at least for one of the networks...

And in my real case (not the example here)... different part come together to form one single object. So the only thing overlaping is the UVs...

In this small example I have:

(A + UV1) + (A + UV2) = AA + UV1 + UV2

In my real project I have:

(A + UV1) + (B + UV2) + (C + UV3) + (D + UV4) = ABCD + UV1 + UV2 + UV3 + UV4

So ABCD is a new geometry without overlaping. Each of the UV1, UV2, UV3 and UV4 are unique UV maps... However each of those UV maps carry unassigned UV coordinates in the center of the UV map due to the grouping... I need to find a way of cleaning those unassigned UVs for each of the UV maps...

Sound complicated...


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I have figured this out... I mean.. it was hard... but the concept ov re-wiring the nodes helped me alot...

So I have slightly changed the order and the hieararchy... and I was able to use the groups coming from different geometries to control the structure of the UV map...

I will port the results here soon.

Thnaks aqy!


About the light... I really do not know what you mean by light pink light?

This is the default light setup in Houdini...


Edited by Symbolic
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I have figured this out... I mean.. it was hard... but the concept ov re-wiring the nodes helped me alot...

So I have slightly changed the order and the hieararchy... and I was able to use the groups coming from different geometries to control the structure of the UV map...

I will port the results here soon.

Thnaks aqy!


About the light... I really do not know what you mean by light pink light?

This is the default light setup in Houdini...



I meant the color of the block that is not covered with the numbers(texture map)...



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Houdini will render pink for anything that has a texture map applied and it cannot find the texture map, or in this case, those polygons have no UVs assigned so they render pink as well.

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