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cannot find alembic attributes when loading assets in houdini

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I use an external abc viewer (abcview), to view an alembic archive structure, which looks similar to this:

ABC --> maya_group (.xform) --> maya_shape (.geom)

The maya_group is of type ".xform" and it has sub attribute in such as a scalar "T". When I open the same alembic in Houdini, I cannot find "T" attribute on the "maya_group"? My question: is it possible that Houdini alembic reader drops some attributes in the Alembic file? Is there any way to find this scalar attribute under the ".xform" object (PS. I can see the .xform object in Houdini, but it has NO attributes). 

Note: When I am loading the file using "Alembic" node, I load both shapes and transforms, and I also loading Meta Data..




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just an update if someone is facing this "issue". It's not an issue. The missing data was loaded as "User Properties" (in the alembic loader, one needs to enable it). However, they are not really usable because "user properties" are not meant to be processed by Houdini (i.e. it's just data, other apps might need to use)

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