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Lookat From Rotation


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Can anybody help me with this piece of code.

I'd like to compute camera lookat vector from its position/rotation.

There is mistake somewhere here but not sure where. Vector corespondes to my expectation but there is some error ie respect to camera position.

set sx = `sin($RotX)`

set cx = `cos($RotX)`

set sy = `sin($RotY)`

set cy = `cos($RotY)`

set x = `$sy*$cx*`

set y = `-$sx`

set z = `$cy*$cx*`

set lookat = `normalize(vector3($x, $y, $z))`

echo $lookat

thanks in advance!



ok I did it like this:

set lookat = normalize(vector3(0,0,-1) * (rotate($RX, "x") * rotate($RY, "y") * rotate($RZ, "z")))


Am I wrong or hscript can not save matrix to variable? Above code doeasn't want to work divided into sections... only in one expression

Edited by SYmek
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Can anybody help me with this piece of code.

I'd like to compute camera lookat vector from its position/rotation.

There is mistake somewhere here but not sure where. Vector corespondes to my expectation but there is some error ie respect to camera position.

thanks in advance!



ok I did it like this:


Am I wrong or hscript can not save matrix to variable? Above code doeasn't want to work divided into sections... only in one expression

I posted a reply on the SESI forums.

On a side note, there a couple of useful expression functions for dealing with look ats: mlookat(), mlookatup(), mobjlookat() and objlookat().

Edited by Wolfwood
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Thanks again Wolfwood,

I've checked all these expressions before my questions. Just I'm new at it ;) (they need target coordinates to compute lookat vactor. This was something I didn't have or I couldn't get. Now problem is solved anyway!)

cheers :)


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