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NetworkUIUpdate - Threading + Timer

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Hey there,

I've been struggling trying to understand houdini's event loops and getting around updating a networkview some timestep. I also haven't been able to find docs about hdefereval. So was curious if anyone might have any tips on how to update function to evaluate some X timestep. As this seems to be almost pseudo random updates but I probably don't understand some foundational knowledge of threads and processes.

Here's an attempted example of a node updating pos, every x time. but its not quite right. (press enter to cancel out of in python shell, and I recommend not running too long as I assume there's more going on than I realize)


import hou
import threading
import time
def create_object():
    obj_node = hou.node("/obj")
    geo_node = obj_node.createNode("null", "test_object")
def object_move():
    geo_node = hou.node("/obj/test_object")
    geo_node.move((0, 0.5))
def update_thread():
    cancel = False
    def update():
        if cancel:
        print("Update function called")
        timer = threading.Timer(.1, update)
    timer = threading.Timer(.1, update)
    input("Press Enter to cancel the thread")
    cancel = True


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