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Paint Peeling Effect

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Hope I didnt post this three times now... seemed like my posts didnt appear when I used my old user name.


Hi everyone!

I'm trying to create a paint peeling effect in Houdini. The paint should peel off a wall pretty quickly as if the wall is aging - but fast. Eventually the wall will collapse - so there is a lot going on in the shot...

Anyone got ideas on how to approach it?

I know thats quite a broad question, but I'm just looking for some ideas where to start? Is it DOPs - maybe some cloth?

It would be nice to have a procedural solution... but any ideas would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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First of all i must say i'm a total newbie when it comes to Houdini, but i've been working in 3dsmax for the past 6 years with oil-equipment and oilrigs\ships.

So from my point of view, i just have to explain it as if i'd do it in 3dsmax, and you just have to adapt it to houdini, so here's my shot:

First that comes to mind, is to use particles, paint the wall with particles, make them sit there, that has the shader you want.

Use gravity\wind\drag etc to get the motion you want when the paint should peel, and then for the wall, use dynamics and particles for smoke and debries...

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First of all i must say i'm a total newbie when it comes to Houdini, but i've been working in 3dsmax for the past 6 years with oil-equipment and oilrigs\ships.

So from my point of view, i just have to explain it as if i'd do it in 3dsmax, and you just have to adapt it to houdini, so here's my shot:

First that comes to mind, is to use particles, paint the wall with particles, make them sit there, that has the shader you want.

Use gravity\wind\drag etc to get the motion you want when the paint should peel, and then for the wall, use dynamics and particles for smoke and debries...

Hi Hedphelym,

Thanks a lot for your input. Parts are definitely gonna be particles but I thought of having some paint rolling off, like they did it in Silent Hill. Think I cant do that with particles - maybe my particles brain is too limited for that though.,,

Right now I just did some small tests with cloth using a clothstitchconstraint, contraining all points of a small grid and animating the constraint group with an expression - removing more and more points from the group. As soon as the point is not constrained, gravity takes over and pulls the point down. It sort of works - though I have to investigate a bit more.

Havnt sorted out how I apply the effect to lots of small cloth/paint pieces and how I get different effects in different places.

Using gravity as a force, the loose parts get pulled down, although it would be nice to roll them in a bit - if you know what I mean... no idea how to do that though.

Any input very much appreciated!


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