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vellum cloth pattern question


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Hello everyone,

I'm looking at this video from SIGGRAPH 2019: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evlIoSjXdTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evlIoSjXdTI) [[www.youtube.com](http://www.youtube.com/)] and I'm looking at how well these garments are made and stitched together. I can't for the life of me get the stitching right when I create something as simple as a t-shirt when I create correct patterns. Does anyone have the scene files so I can see what was done, or point me in the right direction where I can do this and not have to rely on an app like Marvelous Designer to create the clothes for me?
as you can see from my stitching, not all points on the sleeve are being used, even though I did grouping. It seems I can't stitch more than 1 point to another. So I'm lost in how to do this correctly.


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