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Optimizing the Gainward GeForce4 750/XP . . ?


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I'm looking for advice for any of you that are using this card, and how to Optimize it for Houdini use . . .

I'm running 5.0.46 and I seem to have some OpenGL issues in the viewport using just about every display option . . .

Poly's look to be facing inward . . . and under any Hidden Line and Wireframe display's I get not much at all . . . unless I zoom in tight and then it shows up like a clipping plane depending on my level of zoom.

The driver version is 29.80 for the ti4600.



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  • 2 weeks later...

; :blink:

...I've tried all the current driver versions, and the OpenGL issues still stands...

Not sure where to move from here... I know a few of you use the Gainward card, if anyone can shed some light, I'll open my sun roof.

Current Specs...

Gainward GeForce4 750/XP Gold w/ v29.42 invidia drivers

Win2000 SP2


SuperMicro P4SBA

1GB ram

Houdini 5.046 build...

Thanks in advance, B)


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I'm running the same configuration and it works fine. The only differents is

cpu: athlon not P4.

Have you turned off the "smooth wire" option ? That's the only problem I found, if it's turned on the performance goes down very fast :angry: .

(and I dont't know if it is importend, we running 5.5.33 beta ).


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isn't "smooth wire" same as wireframe antialiasing? I actually prefer to turn mine off most of the time just to have the extra processing power for dealing with higher res geometry. I am running on Oxygen GVX1 with the last, 1+ years old driver that 3Dlabs seem to have abandoned...

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I'm starting to think it's the current version and build... I do have smooth lines turned off, yet once I have a few other apps going, ie explorer browser, and some multi-tasking, it usually will slow houdini to stand still.

Even moving the mouse over buttons on the UI, you can see it take the time to draw it out... very slow and frustrating... :angry:

I also have the GVX1 Pro, that sucker is stable, but its technology is sluggish, I wanted to use the Gainward card until I can swindle myself into getting one of the Wildcat VP cards based on the new P10 graphics chip... OpenGL 2.0... does 5.5+ support OpenGL2.0?


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