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Extrude Along Normal ?


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use a point sop and in the position channels use the expression

$TX + ($NX * 0.1)

$TY + ($NY * 0.1)

$TZ + ($NZ * 0.1)

in $TX, $TY, $TZ respectivly.

Adjust 0.1 to specify how much you want to extrude along the normal

Edited by SpencerL
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use a point sop and in the position channels use the expression

$TX + ($NX * 0.1)

$TY + ($NY * 0.1)

$TZ + ($NZ * 0.1)

in $TX, $TY, $TZ respectivly.

Adjust 0.1 to specify how much you want to extrude along the normal

Err...my brain stopped for a minute. This would scale geo along the normal. To extrude, use a polyextrude SOP and on the local tab, adjust the translate Z parameter.

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I understand what your talking about spencer just create a poly extrude group and and use the point sop to to extrude the front selection.

but there are several problems i cant consolate my points for one.

second of all i have multible divisions in my polly extrude sop.

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