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Inherit Velocity

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Hi there!

It would be great if someone could help me with this. It's a "small" problem, but i don't know how to solve it, probably i'm using the wrong way to do it.

I would to emit some particles from the intersection of two planes.

I made a cookie SOP between the two planes, and getting a polygonal curve from the intersection. And emit from that curve.

The problem is the curve is not a stable curve to calculate the velocity, because the points are moving on the curve to calculate the boolean.

So the velocity calculation is not correct, and some particles are going crazy.

I'm sure there is a better way to do that.

I'm attaching an example scene to see the issue.

Thanks in advance!


Edited by onesk8man
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I thought that wasn't going to work, i thought the will get the velocity per id in the cookie, but not... it's working perfect ...


That was an example scene, but seems that is gonna work on my scene


as your grid2 is moving, calculate velocity with the trail1 before cookie1 and it works fine...



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