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Refraction env map help ?


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I have this code and I want to add refraction map attributes to it... can anybody help me?



* TLFresnelPlastic.sl -- simple shader illustrating fresnel().



* Simple Fresnel shader using plastic illuminance.




* AUTHOR: Tal Lancaster tal AT renderman DOT org



* Jan 26 2002 Created


/* From Advanced RenderMan */

#include <reflections.h>

#ifdef PRMAN /* as of prman10 */

#define CHKTX(tx) ((tx != "" && textureinfo (tx, "exists", 0) != 0)? 1: 0)


#define CHKTX(tx) \

((tx != "")? 1: 0)


surface TLFresnelPlastic (

color Csurf = 0.5; /* cat Color

desc {Base color for surface if

not over-written by "colorMap } */

string colorMap = ""; /* cat Color

desc {Optional color map. Replaces 'Csurf'.} */

float ior = 0;

/* desc { Index of Refraction. Used to get Fresnel falloff.

0: turns off fresnel and gives plastic look. Typical values

gt 1.0 and lt 2.2} range {1.01 2.2 .01} */

float Ka= 1; /* desc { Usual } */

float Kd= 0.5; /* desc { Usual } */

float Ks= 0.5; /* desc { Usual } */

float roughness= 0.1; /* desc {Specular roughness} */

color Cspec = 1; /* desc {Specular color} */

float Kr = 0; /* cat Reflection desc {Strength of reflection } */

string reflectMap = "";

/* cat Reflection desc {Name of reflection map. } type texture */

float reflectBlur = 0;

/* cat Reflection desc {Percentage amount to blur map} */

string reflectSpace = "world"; /* cat Reflection

desc {Space the reflection calculations are performed in. } */

float reflectDist = 1e10;

/* cat Reflection desc {The size of the room to base the reflection

lookup off of.} */

float flipS = 0; /* cat ST type switch desc {Flip S on texture lookups.} */

float flipT = 0; /* cat ST type switch desc {Flip S on texture lookups.} */

float MtorFlip = 0; /* cat ST type switch def 1

desc {Swap S/T access to overcome Maya/MtoR

NURBs differences.} */



float ss, tt;

float fKt, fKr;

color Ct;

normal Nf = normalize (faceforward( normalize(N), I ));

vector V = -normalize(I);

vector R = normalize (reflect (I, Nf));

/* Parametric space adjustments */

if (MtorFlip == 1) {

ss = t;

tt = s;


else {

ss = s;

tt = t;


if (flipS == 1)

ss = 1 - ss;

if (flipT == 1)

tt = 1 - tt;

/* Calculate fresnel index of refraction */

if (ior != 0) {

fresnel (normalize (I), Nf, (I.Nf > 0)? ior: 1/ior,

fKr, fKt);

/* hack */

fKt = 1 - fKr;


else {

/* fresnel turned off */

fKr = fKt = 1;


/* base color */

/*Ct = (CHKTX (colorMap))? texture (colorMap, ss, tt): Csurf; */

if (CHKTX (colorMap) == 1)

Ct = texture (colorMap, ss, tt);


Ct = Csurf;

/* Environment */

color Cr = 0;

float reflOpacity = 1;

if (reflectMap != "")

Cr = Environment (reflectMap, reflectSpace, reflectDist,

P, R, reflectBlur, reflOpacity);

/* lighting */

Oi = Os;

Ci = Os * ( fKt * Ct * (Ka*ambient() + Kd*diffuse(Nf)) +

fKr * Cspec * Ks * specular(Nf,V,roughness) +

Kr * Cr * fKr);




* reflections.h - Functions which compute reflected light by either

* ray tracing or environment mapping.


* Author: Larry Gritz (lg AT larrygritz DOT com)


* Reference:

* _Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Picture_,

* by Anthony A. Apodaca and Larry Gritz, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.


* $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2003/12/24 06:18:06 $




#include "filterwidth.h"

#include "raysphere.h"

/* ReflMap() - Use a reflection map for reflections in flat objects.

* Inputs are:

* reflname - filename of reflection map

* P - origin of traced ray

* blur - amount of additional blur to add to environment map

* Outputs are:

* return value - the color of incoming light

* alpha - opacity of reflection map lookup in the direction R.

* Warning - the texture call itself takes derivatives, causing

* trouble if called inside a loop or varying conditional! Be cautious.


color ReflMap ( string reflname; point P; float blur;

output float alpha; )


/* Transform to the space of the environment map */

point Pndc = transform ("NDC", P);

float x = xcomp(Pndc), y = 1-ycomp(Pndc);

alpha = float texture (reflname[3], x, y, "blur", blur, "fill", 1);

return color texture (reflname, x, y, "blur", blur);


/* Environment() - A replacement for ordinary environment() lookups, this

* function ray traces against an environment sphere of known, finite

* radius. Inputs are:

* envname - filename of environment map

* envspace - name of space environment map was made in

* envrad - approximate supposed radius of environment sphere

* P, R - position and direction of traced ray

* blur - amount of additional blur to add to environment map

* Outputs are:

* return value - the color of incoming environment light

* alpha - opacity of environment map lookup in the direction R.

* Warning - the environment call itself takes derivatives, causing

* trouble if called inside a loop or varying conditional! Be cautious.


color Environment ( string envname, envspace; uniform float envrad;

point P; vector R; float blur; output float alpha;)


/* Transform to the space of the environment map */

point Psp = transform (envspace, P);

vector Rsp = normalize (vtransform (envspace, R));

uniform float r2 = envrad * envrad;

/* Clamp the position to be *inside* the environment sphere */

if ((vector Psp).(vector Psp) > r2)

Psp = point (envrad * normalize (vector Psp));

float t0, t1;

if (raysphere (Psp, Rsp, envrad, 1.0e-4, t0, t1) > 0)

Rsp = vector (Psp + t0 * Rsp);

alpha = float environment (envname[3], Rsp, "blur", blur, "fill", 1);

return color environment (envname, Rsp, "blur", blur);


/* RayTrace() - A fancy ray trace routine, particularly suitable for

* use with the "ray server." Tries to sample over the surface

* element and over the varying ray spread due to surface curvature.

* An ordinary call to trace would point sample the environment in a

* very simplistic way. This function takes the size of the surface

* facet and curvature of the surface into account, and lets you

* sample the space with multiple rays.


* Inputs:

* P - surface position

* Rdir - the unit-length reflection direction.

* blur - reflection blurriness; 0 = sharp reflection

* jitter - when 1, fully jitter the stochastic ray directions. Lower

* numbers jitter less, 0 doesn't jitter. Lowering jitter may help

* alleviate "sparkling" due to animation with low nrays.

* nsamples - number of rays with which to sample. Larger numbers will

* yield better-sampled reflections, but will be more expensive.

* Note that the function reduces this number for secondary rays,

* assuming that the distribution from primary rays will be

* sufficient!

* Return value: the average of the trace calls.


* Warning!!! This function takes derivatives to find out the ray spread!

* This can cause trouble if RayTrace() is called inside a loop or varying

* conditional! Be cautious.



RayTrace (point P; vector Rdir; float Kr, blur, jitter;

uniform float nsamples; output float alpha;)


#if (defined(BMRT) || defined(RAYSERVER_H))

float rand () {

extern float jitter;

return (raylevel()==0) ? (0.5 + jitter * (float random() - 0.5)) : 0.5;


extern float du, dv;

color C, Ct;

float hitdist; point Phit, Pmiss; vector Nhit, Rmiss;

float bluramt = blur + filterwidthp(Rdir);

uniform float nrays = (raylevel() == 0 ? max(1,ceil(sqrt(nsamples))) : 1);

vector Tu = Du(P) * (1.5 * du); /* overblur just a tad... */

vector Tv = Dv(P) * (1.5 * dv);

if (Kr < 0.0001) {

C = 0;

} else if (bluramt > 0 || nrays > 1) {

/* Construct orthogonal components to Rdir */

vector uoffset = blur * normalize (vector (zcomp(Rdir) - ycomp(Rdir),

xcomp(Rdir) - zcomp(Rdir),

ycomp(Rdir) - xcomp(Rdir)));

vector voffset = Rdir ^ uoffset;

uniform float i, j;

C = 0; alpha = 0;

for (i = 0; i < nrays; i += 1) {

for (j = 0; j < nrays; j += 1) {

/* Add a random offset to the smooth reflection vector */

vector R = Rdir + ((i + rand())/nrays - 0.5) * uoffset +

((j + rand())/nrays - 0.5) * voffset;

R = normalize®;

point Pray = P + ((j + rand())/nrays - 0.5) * Tu +

((i + rand())/nrays - 0.5) * Tv;

fulltrace (Pray, R, Ct, hitdist, Phit, Nhit, Pmiss, Rmiss);

C += Ct;

alpha += 1 - step(1.0e10,hitdist);



uniform float totrays = nrays*nrays;

C /= totrays; alpha /= totrays;

} else {

/* No blur or curvature, just do a simple trace */

fulltrace (P, Rdir, C, hitdist, Phit, Nhit, Pmiss, Rmiss);

alpha = 1 - step(1.0e10,hitdist);


return C;


return color 0;



#define ENVPARAMS \

envname, envspace, envrad, rayjitter, raysamples


string envname, envspace; \

uniform float envrad, rayjitter, raysamples


string envname = "", envspace = "world"; \

uniform float envrad = 100, rayjitter = 0, raysamples = 1


SampleEnvironment (point P; vector R; float Kr, blur; DECLARE_ENVPARAMS;)


color C = 0;

float alpha;

if (envname != "") {

if (envspace == "NDC")

C = ReflMap (envname, P, blur, alpha);


C = Environment (envname, envspace, envrad, P, R, blur, alpha);


#if (defined(BMRT) || defined(RAYSERVER_H))

color Cray = RayTrace (P, R, Kr, sqrt(blur), rayjitter, raysamples, alpha);

C = Cray + (1-alpha) * C;


return Kr * C;


#endif /* defined(REFLECTIONS_H) */




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