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selecting front facing only - points/vertices

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Hello people !

I'm encountering some anoying issue. When modeling something in points mode, Houdini is always selecting both front and back facing points. I've tried all the selection modes from the menu and also by pressing b key. It doesn't change a thing. The behaviour it's the same. How can I select front facing points only ?

A strange thing also happen when I first time create a primitive and switch to vertices mode (5 key) the front selection mode works ok, but after I translate the vertices from their original position and try to reselect again in vertices mode, Houdini won't let me, and he sends me back to faces (4 key).

The other modes (edges and faces) work ok.

Thank you !


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A bug was entered for the picking of points that are backfacing.

In the mean time there are a couple work-arounds:

- Use either Lasso or brush picking of points. That does respect the front face back face optoins

- tap 5 to switch to vertex mode, make your box selection (that respects the option) then tap 2 to go to points. Yes you are tapping 5 and 2 but it works for now until the bug is fixed.

Regardless of the bug, I am liking lasso selections...

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