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Improving Bent Normal shader


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I found a Bent normal shader but when I render using this I get an output as if that its reflecting the object near to it? Can anybdody tell me what might have went wrong with this.. or is this the right approach to render World Space Bent Normals ?


color vector2color(vector v) {

return ((color v) + 1) / 2;


surface occlusion_dmap (float doBendNormal = 1; output varying color outOcc = 0;)


normal Nn = faceforward( normalize(N), I );

float occlSum = 0;

vector dirSum = 0;

float dotSum = 0;

illuminance( P, Nn, PI/2 )


vector Ln = normalize( L );

float NdotL = Nn . Ln;

float shad = 0;

lightsource( "__inShadow", shad );

float occl = NdotL * (1 - shad);

occlSum += occl;

dirSum += Ln * occl;

dotSum += NdotL;


if ( dotSum > 0 )


occlSum /= dotSum;

dirSum /= dotSum;


if (doBendNormal != 0) {

vector bend = dirSum - Nn;

Ci = vector2color(bend);

} else {

Ci = occlSum;


Oi = 1;

outOcc = occlSum;



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