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rmands destination?


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okay, so i know that i've posted the last three posts in this forum, but i just don't get what i'm doing wrong.

i have taken one of rendermans own compiled shader. constant.slo, just to make sure that it's a correctly compiled shader im using 8.2. i'm in the bin folder where the rmands.exe file is. i type into the command prompt as follows:

rmands -d D:\test -l D:\constant.slo

i've also tried:

rmands -D D:\test\constant.otl -l D:\constant.slo

rmands -D D:\test -l D:\constant.slo

rmands -d D:\test -L D:\constant.slo

rmands -L D:\constant.slo

*** basicly every combination that i could think of ***


where in world does it put the stupid otl file for me to load. i can't find it for the life of me. i've been working on this for 2 1/2 days. if anyone has advice, answer, or anything, PLEASE HELP! i'm at the end of my rope. :blink:

***Special Note***

i'm doing this directly in the command prompt because i can't get H8.2 to recognize the rmands command. even when i'm in the bin folder. i've tripple checked all folders i could possibly think of. i've searched with windowsOS *.otl... nothing. also i'm not using H9 because i can't get slo2otl.py working either.

Thanks for the help!



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You need to add Houdini's BIN folder to your %PATH% for this to work as expected.

Then cd into the directory with your compiled shader and type

 rmands -L myotl.otl myshader.slo

Note, there are tools to make this process much less painful. Cygwin for one is a lot better then the default Windows command prompt, and Spy, which ships with Houdini is excellent for binding tasks like this to hotkeys.

For example, with Spy you can tag your OTL file and your shader and hit a hotkey to use slo2otl.py.

something like this in your .spyrc file would probably work after you'd sourced the environment script.

map 5 unix hython $HFS/bin/slo2otl.py -L %

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